Game environment
►► Name: Casino
►►Tools: Maya, Photoshop, Unreal Tournament
►►Description: It is a concept drawing for Environment Design class this quarter.
My idea is to create a casino in th seabed, and then I got an inspired from a Chinese novel - Journey to the West. The monkey got his wapon form East Sea Dragin King's palace, and made a huge chaos for the world of sea. How to create a environment that combines three ideas which are buildings in the seabed, casino, and east dragin palace will be my challenge for me. Also, we are required that we have to put all the environmnet in Unreal Engine.
►►Tools: Maya, Photoshop, Unreal Tournament
►►Description: It is a concept drawing for Environment Design class this quarter.
My idea is to create a casino in th seabed, and then I got an inspired from a Chinese novel - Journey to the West. The monkey got his wapon form East Sea Dragin King's palace, and made a huge chaos for the world of sea. How to create a environment that combines three ideas which are buildings in the seabed, casino, and east dragin palace will be my challenge for me. Also, we are required that we have to put all the environmnet in Unreal Engine.
3D Modeling A
►► Name: Mock a Real Life Painting
►►Tools: Maya, Photoshop
►►Description: This painting's name is A Vanitas Still which was created by Pieter Claesz.
I try hard to mock the mood from the painting, but it is not enough....
I only use MAYA for this project...I might add some texture by using Photoshop leater..
►►Tools: Maya, Photoshop
►►Description: This painting's name is A Vanitas Still which was created by Pieter Claesz.
I try hard to mock the mood from the painting, but it is not enough....
I only use MAYA for this project...I might add some texture by using Photoshop leater..
Group Project
►►Tools: Flash, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Photoshop
►►Description: This was my undergraduate final project, and I was the leader of my team. Out team's goal was to create a flash website which introduced 20 important festivals in Taiwan. The users can understand those festivals through play flash games.
Web Design A
►► Name: Acupressure
►►Tools: Maya, Flash, Illustrator
►►Description: This is a infographic flash whose purpose is to simplify the complicated graphics of acupoints, and explain how to press each acupoints by using different gestures.
►►Website Link: Acupressure Infographic
►►Tools: Maya, Flash, Illustrator
►►Description: This is a infographic flash whose purpose is to simplify the complicated graphics of acupoints, and explain how to press each acupoints by using different gestures.
►►Website Link: Acupressure Infographic
Web Design B
►► Name: Ting's Helamet Graffiti Online Shop
►►Tools: Flash, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Photoshop
►►Description: This is a online shop for helmet graffiti artworks.The customers can customize their helmets, see the quotation, and take look some examples online.
►►Website Link: Helmet Graffiti Online Shop
►►Tools: Flash, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Photoshop
►►Description: This is a online shop for helmet graffiti artworks.The customers can customize their helmets, see the quotation, and take look some examples online.
►►Website Link: Helmet Graffiti Online Shop
3D Artworks
►►Name: Smoke Pe
►►Tools: 3D Max, Photoshop, V-Ray, Premiere
►►Name: A villa
►►Tools: 3D Max, Photoshop, V-Ray
►►Name: Robot
►►Tools: 3D Max, Photoshop
►►Name: My guitar
►►Tools: 3D Max, Photoshop
►►Name: Head Phone
►►Tools:3D Max
►►Tools: 3D Max, Photoshop, V-Ray, Premiere
►►Name: A villa
►►Tools: 3D Max, Photoshop, V-Ray
►►Name: Robot
►►Tools: 3D Max, Photoshop
►►Name: My guitar
►►Tools: 3D Max, Photoshop
►►Name: Head Phone
►►Tools:3D Max
2D artworks
►►Name: Bad bunny
►►Tools: Illustrator►►Name: My father
►►Tools: Illustrator
►►Name: Super Otario
►►Tools: Illustrator
►►Name: Chinese Birthday Pets
►►Tools: Painter►►Name: Bird
►►Tools: Painter
►►Name: margtr
►►Tools: Illustrator, Painter, Photoshop
►►Name: Thinking
►►Tools: Painter
►►Name: Waiting
►►Tools: Painter

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